Modalidad : Contra Abandono Escolar.
Solicítala A las autoridades de tu plantel si te encuentras en riesgo de abandonar tus estudios de bachillerato
- Estar inscrito(a) en una institución Pública de Educación Medía superior (IPEMS) participante en el programa de Becas en la modalidad escolarizada.
- Ser postulado por el Comité institucional de Becas (formado por las autoridades de tu plantel y padres de familia).
- Contar con CURP y cuenta de correo electrónico vigente.
- No contar con otro apoyo, por parte del Gobierno Federal, para el mismo fin (PROSPERA).
- No haber concluido estudios de Educación Media Superior ni contar con el certificado respectivo.
Modalidad : Beca de continuación de estudios antes ingreso o permanencia.
Solícita este apoyo si cursas del 1° al 3° año de bachillerato.
- Estar inscrito(a) en una institución Pública de Educación Media Superior (IPEMS) participante en el Programa Nacional de Becas en la modalidad escolarizada.
- Contar con CURP y cuenta de correo electrónico vigente.
- No contar con otro apoyo, por parte del Gobierno Federal, para el mismo fin (PROSPERA).
- Ser alumno regular (no adeudar materias)
- No haber concluido estudios de nivel medio superior ni contar con un certificado de este tipo educativo.
- Llenar en línea el formato solicitado de becas a través de la Encuesta Socieconómica de Estudiantes de educación Media Superior (ENCSEEMS).
Modalidad : Beca de transporte.
Solicita este apoyo si requieres un apoyo para trasladarte a tu plantel.
- Estar inscrito(a) en una institución Publica de Educación Media Superior (IPEMS) participante en el Programa de Becas en la modalidad escolarizada.
- Contar con CURP y cuenta de correo electrónico vigente.
- No haber concluido estudios de Educación Media Superior ni contar con el certificado respectivo.
- Llenar en línea el formato de solicitud de becas a través de la Encuesta Sociecónomica de Estudiantes de Educación Media Superior (ENCSEEMS).
- Esta beca es compatible con otros apoyos de la SEP y con Próspera.
Modalidad : Beca de excelencia.
Solicita este apoyo si obtuviste promedio de 10 en el semestre anterior.
- Estar inscrito(a) en una institución Publica de Educación Media Superior (IPEMS) participante en el programa.
- Contar con CURP y correo electrónico vigente.
- No estar recibiendo algún beneficio económico para el mismo fin.
- No haber concluido estudios de Educación Media Superior.
- Llenar debidamente el formato de solicitud de beca a través de internet.
- Ser alumno regular(no adeudar materias).
- Provenir de un hogar cuyo ingreso per cápita sea menor o igual a los cuatro deciles de la distribución del ingreso
Modality: Against School Abandonment.
Request it TO the authorities of your facility if you are in risk of abandoning your high school studies.
- Inscrito(a to be) in a Public institution of Education it Measured superior (IPEMS) participant in the program of Scholarships in the modality escolarizada.
- To be postulated by the institutional Committee of Scholarships (formed by the authorities of your facility and family parents).
- To have CURP and bill of effective electronic mail.
- Not to have another support, on the part of the Federal Government, for the same end (it PROSPERS).
- Not to have concluded studies of Superior Half Education neither to have the respective certificate.
Modality: Scholarship of continuation of studies before entrance or permanency.
Solicitous this support if you study from the 1° to the 3° year of high school.
- Inscrito(a to be) in a Public institution of Superior Half Education (IPEMS) participant in the National Program of Scholarships in the modality escolarizada.
- To have CURP and bill of effective electronic mail.
- Not to have another support, on the part of the Federal Government, for the same end (it PROSPERS).
- To be regular student (not to owe matters)
- Not to have concluded studies of half superior level neither to have a certificate of this educational type.
- To fill on-line the requested format of scholarships through the Survey Socieconómica of Students of Superior Half education (ENCSEEMS).
Modality: It grants a scholarship of transport.
He/she requests this support if you require a support to move to your facility.
- Inscrito(a to be) in an institution it Publishes of Superior Half Education (IPEMS) participant in the Program of Scholarships in the modality escolarizada.
- To have CURP and bill of effective electronic mail.
- Not to have concluded studies of Superior Half Education neither to have the respective certificate.
- To fill on-line the format of application of scholarships through the Survey Sociecónomica of Students of Superior Half Education (ENCSEEMS).
- This scholarship is compatible with other supports of the SEP and with Prosperous.
Modality: Excellence scholarship.
He/she requests this support if you obtained average of 10 in the previous semester.
- Inscrito(a to be) in an institution it Publishes of Superior Half Education (IPEMS) participant in the program. To have CURP and effective electronic mail.
- Not to be receiving some economic benefit for the same end.
- Not to have concluded studies of Superior Half Education.
- To fill the format of scholarship application properly through internet.
- To be student regular(no to owe matters).
- To come from a home whose entrance per capita is smaller or similar to the four deciles of the distribution of the entrance
I want a "beca", but i have a problem, in this moment I study in Belice, how would i get a "beca"?
ResponderEliminarLOL, for a moment i thought that "obtener" is written "obteneishon"
It consults in your address or authorities of your facility like to obtain a scholarship where you study, Thank you for your comment Suzy
ResponderEliminarme gusto tu post, ademas quiero solicitar una beca, espero que me digas que mas tipos de beca hay
ResponderEliminarHay aparecen todos los tipos de becas :D pero puedes ir a tu institución a ver todos los tipos de becas <3